I've been using baseball hitting drills to make myself a better hitter ever since I was a kid. Which is a long time ago. One thing I had that maybe not everyone has, was the benefit of great coaching. From my Dad in little league up through high school and American Legion Baseball and then in the Minor Leagues.

Often times little league coaches are well intentioned parents who have kids on the team. But they might not know what makes a good hitter. You have to know the proper mechanics of a good baseball swing before you can practice them. Otherwise, you will be practicing improper mechanics.

Rocky Balboa vs The Russian

Remember in the movie Rocky 4 when Rocky was training for the fight with the Russian? There was the Russian training on all that high tech equipment and what was Rocky doing? He was out in the snow pulling a sled full of rocks and splitting firewood! The point is that you don't have to invest a lot of money in all kinds of expensive training aids.

Here are some easy to learn baseball hitting drills that will not only improve your swing, but cost little if any money. And most of them you can do by yourself.

Muscle Memory

I was taught early about muscle memory. One quick example of muscle memory is tying your shoes. Try it right now. See how fast you can tie your shoes. You do it without really thinking about it. That's because you have done it so many times that your brain and muscles almost do it for you. That's muscle memory.

I still play baseball in what's called the Men's Senior Baseball League. It's a league for us old guys who still want to play but aren't up to competing with the young guys anymore.

I'm not bragging when I say that I'm one of the best hitters in the league.

But it's not because I have more skill or talent than anyone else. It's because I relentlessly practice the proper mechanics of a good baseball swing.

The goal is to train your body to swing properly without thinking about it so that in a game you only have to concentrate on hitting the baseball. You can't be thinking about staying balanced, staying back, short stride, etc.

Practice the proper mechanics over and over and Muscle Memory will take care of this for you.


Visualization is becoming a popular training aid. We were doing it 35 years ago. With all of the baseball hitting drills I did, visualization was used all the time. Another word that describes visualization is pretending. See yourself in your mind hitting line drives. Make pretend scenarios and live them through your mind while practicing your baseball hitting drills.해외스포츠